Friday, December 4, 2009

THE METAL DETECTOR: Christmas Edition

with Al Wreckless

As every metal fan knows, metal is not just a musical style; it’s a way of life. And it takes commitment. To truly be metal, at least 83% of your world must be classified as metal. Unfortunately, in the modern climate of the world, lines between reality and fiction are blurred more than ever. It’s getting harder and harder to determine what is truly metal. That’s why you need THE METAL DETECTOR.

Today, we take a look at Christmas. There is probably no more polarizing holiday than Christmas. On the one hand, it was intended as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ but has been commercialized into a crass materialistic season where people will literally kill one another for a good deal. Mortification would disapprove.

On the other hand, it’s a crass materialistic holiday about spending money. KISS would highly approve. In fact, I think Gene Simmons took a copyright on the whole concept of Christmas and we now all owe him some royalties.

Christmas started as a way of co-opting the Pagan festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. The entire Norwegian black metal scene would disapprove. Christmas also minimizes the importance of Hanukah. Orphaned Land would disapprove.

In the end, no matter how much fun it is, Christmas isn’t very metal. On a scale of one to ten Manowars, it only rates a 2.7. And that’s simply because of this--

1 comment:

  1. But... the suicide rate goes through the roof during the Christmas season... very metal!


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Buffalo, NY, United States
I am an online journalist/blogger/ freelance writer with a strong background in science and deep interest in indie rock.