Monday, June 25, 2007

La Cacahouette interview

the Greater Buffalo Area is a study in contrasts. Only Western New York could contain one of the most majestic natural wonders of the world and one of the biggest toxic chemical disasters of the 80's.

la Cacahouette know the meaning of contrast. Soaring melodies run up against stacks of noise. Atmospherics precede breakneck crescrendo. 00's postpunk blends seamlessly with 70's quirk-prog.

the band enters their fourth year with some miles under their belt and a full length album due out in June. Recently, Gerald Thomas sat down to talk about getting their touring legs going:

S3: So this is the fourth tour you're going on now?

Gerald: Yeah. The last tour we did was almost two weeks. We went all the way down through Texas and up to Colorado and... Arizona; Omaha, Nebraska; and into Minneapolis. So [this time] were going all way down the east coast to Atlanta and coming back and ending in Bloomington, Indiana.

S3: So basically east coast to midwest.

Gerald: Yeah, and were already planning to do another two weeks in October, probably a week of that with Otis and the Rufies from Bloomington, Indiana. Last year we did the east coast with them.

S3 : What was the best experience you had playing on the road?

Gerald : Probably, I would say-- Lubbock, Texas because we were down there and supposed to play in Denton and the show got messed up; it fell through but the girl had contacts for people in Lubbock and they basically added us on a bill. We were in Austin. We drove like eight hours, showed up and-- it was one of the best shows on the tour. It was in this artspace, clothing store venue. We played with this really mixed bag of bands, but all the bands worked well. There was this Satanic country band that played, and then a more Wilco-ey alt-rock band, and then like a really crazy experimental rock band. I don't know-- it was just really awesome and we're still getting messages from people-- from [the Lubbock show.]

S3: When your on the road you play with a lot of bands: local bands, and other touring bands that are criss-crossing the country. What is the best band you've played with on the road?

Gerald: I'd have to say Otis and the Rufies. We have a real soft spot for those guys. But even closer [to Buffalo] we love playing with the Audience, from Jamestown. They're really good guys-- actually[we played] their Cd release party.

S3: So where is everone coming from influence-wise?
Gerald: I don't really know. We have this question asked of us -- everybody's always like, "So what does your band sound like?" and we never really know what to say cause we're such, like, a mish-mosh of things. I'm into more modern indie rock, and a lot of psychedelic stuff, and 60's and 70's progressive rock, and then.... I don't know I like all sorts of stuff-- Pepper's way into 90's college rock, and a lot of British stuff like Ride and the Charlatans. Blake's into tons of different music. He has one of the biggest record collections on anybody that I know. He's into any style of music. But I don't really know... we don't sit down... I mean I think a lot of bands are like, "Hey we wanna write a song that sounds like this." or "Here's three different bands we really like. Lets try to do something that sounds like that..."

the La Cacahouette Cd release party is June 30 at the Mohawk Place in Buffalo, NY

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Buffalo, NY, United States
I am an online journalist/blogger/ freelance writer with a strong background in science and deep interest in indie rock.